Frequently Asked Questions

Engage1 are realistic. We have worked in the provision of Import Contract Services for a number of years so have heard all of the main questions and concerns before. To alleviate any concerns you may have, read these below, and then CALL US and we can talk you through and demonstrate how Engage1 manages these issues.

  • How can I be sure that our data will be secure?

    Engage1 understands the importance of information security, privacy and confidentiality. We understand how private personnel information and records are to be treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality. That’s why at Engage1 we have strong, reliable systems in place to maintain this confidentiality.

    Engage1 use the latest in IT security to ensure that your business and data remains yours. We use secure hosted servers, scripted filesharing and state-of-the-art online technology to ensure data security.

    Through our Partner, Axle Cloud, we are able to provide hosted IT systems to ensure no data leaves Australia. Our overseas staff are unable to download or print data unless specific permissions are received from you. We pay our staff market or above-market salaries and every effort is undertaken to ensure temptation is removed. Our trusted multi-tiered structure also provides an extra level of quality control and security.

  • Your information says up to 40% savings but won’t these savings be lost through poor quality?

    Your local and dedicated finance consultant has the responsibility of ensuring quality control and efficient processes.

    One way we achieve this is through standardised procedures. Engage1 also understands the importance of staff retention and training to ensure consistently high quality work. We try to use the same team each time for the same job. Each team is controlled by a highly experienced CA qualified Senior Accountant. These seniors assume not only control over work flow, but review all work before it is sent to the client.

  • I’m still not sure if ICS is for me. Am I able to have a trial?

    Absolutely! We challenge you to find one of your most complex jobs and have Engage1 complete it. You will then see just how well the whole process works and how much you will save.

    Why don’t you talk to one of our extremely satisfied clients who would be more than happy to testify as to the success of the Engage1’s Import Contracting Services model.

  • What type of software do you have experience with?

    Our staff are proficient in most of the current accounting and office software, including MYOB, Quickbooks, Handisoft, Xero, Bank link, BGL, APS, MYOB AE, MYOB AO, ERP, Word, Excel, Access, just to name a few.

    Our loan processing staff are experienced in appropriate software including X-plan and Symmetry.

  • I am concerned about the transition to an Import Contract Services model. What support will be available to help us in this transition process?

    Engage1 has a dedicated finance consultant who is experienced in change management issues. Our consultant will work closely with your team to identify any potential change management issues, and work through them with you to ensure a smooth process with high quality and timely results.

  • I have good processes and know that they work for my business and my clients. What can you do to ensure that they are not lost by using Import Contract Services?

    We understand that whilst many businesses are happy to re-work their processes to enable a fully integrated ICS model, others like to retain significant control over their day-to-day back-end processes. That is why Engage1 offers the option for businesses to train their own dedicated team in Delhi themselves. We are still able to provide the integrated finance and IT hosted solutions to facilitate the quick and secure access for overseas staff, but you can train them exactly how you require. We can recruit the staff for you or you can even be a part of that process. You can be as hands-on and involved as you want.

  • I don’t want to be seen as someone who puts people out of work.

    The job market is changing rapidly. Look at ATMs and its impact on bank tellers, and look at computers versus the old typing pools. This is the way of the world and we need to look at this as an opportunity to remain competitive and therefore save Australian jobs, and even grow our businesses. For example, if you free up the time of an internal bookkeeper, they can then focus their energies on building client relationships and providing a higher level of client service.

    So, what we are really looking at is a shift in focus. In Australia, there is a significant shift away from low-level basic processing and services, to intermediate and high level service provision. And, with the savings you make from using ICS for basic processing, you will be more competitive in the marketplace, meaning more work and even better prospects for your business and its staff.