Data Security

Engage1 understands the importance of information security, privacy and confidentiality.

We use:

Secure Data – using the latest in IT security and online secure server hosting. Your data will never leave Australian Shores.

Enforceable Service Contracts – Your Intellectual Property and Proprietary Information is protected

Engage1 use the latest in IT security to ensure that your business and data remains yours. We use secure hosted servers, scripted filesharing and state-of-the-art online technology to ensure data security.

Through our Partner, Axle Cloud, we are able to provide hosted IT systems to ensure no data leaves Australia. Our overseas staff are unable to download or print data unless specific permissions are received from you. We pay our staff market or above-market salaries and every effort is undertaken to ensure temptation is removed. Our trusted multi-tiered structure also provides an extra level of quality control and security.