
Meet Our Team

Andrew McNamara

Understands the challenges facing SMEs in today’s constantly changing business environment

Hugh Hamilton

Works to identify opportunities for businesses to increase their profitability.

Sunil Gaur

Leads our team in Delhi, India to ensure Engage1 delivers on our promises of real savings and quality outcomes for clients.

Pardeep Singla

Our Director of Operations in our Dehli office.

Our Advantages

Add to your bottom line with huge savings on back-office functions.

Why pay for only one staff member when you can have a whole team? You will easily see savings of up to 40% when you use Engage1’s Import Contract Services to provide back-office support for your business.

Data security and confidentiality using the latest in cloud technology.

Using state-of-the-art IT systems, servers located in Brisbane, Australia, file encryption and remote access technology, our overseas staff work from data located here. This ensures that that no data leaves Australian shores.

We challenge you to trial our ICS model on one of your most complex jobs.

ou will soon see just how well the whole process works and how much you add to your bottom line. Our extremely satisfied clients are more than happy to testify as to the success of the Engage1 ICS model.

Our local change management consultant will ensure a smooth and seamless transition.

With significant finance and change management experience, your own dedicated consultant will work with you and your team to facilitate the transition to a fully integrated ICS solution.

Use our proven team structures or train your own team – the choice is yours.

Our proven team structures ensure consistent and accurate work. Or, if you prefer to retain control over your day-to-day back-end processes you can train your own dedicated team just how you want.

Experienced and qualified teams provide high quality work to meet Australian standards.

Our teams include CA qualified senior staff (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) along with degree qualified and experienced accounting and processing staff. Our staff undertake ongoing training within India and by selected Australian Accounting firms.


Our Solution

  • Business Process Re-Engineering

    Our initial business process review will identify those areas that can be streamlined and recommendations will be made on how to take advantage of our low-cost back-office solutions.

  • Import Contract Services

    Managed by our local and dedicated finance consultant, you can see real saving by using our Import Contract Services on back-office functions.

  • Integrated Finance and IT Systems

    Using the latest in cloud technology you can enjoy a seamless flow between your finance functions and IT systems – alleviating duplication and increasing productivity.


Thank you Pardeep for providing us with excellent service, being always willing to assist us establish better front end processes and willing to go the extra mile to get us through our lodgement deadlines.

John Bennetts

I think Engage1 are right when they say up to 40% savings. I looked at the figures and it appears to be the case!

Ben Whitehouse

It was a nice surprise to learn that my contact was based here in Brisbane. It sure makes my life easier.

Owen Yong Gee

Data Security

The latest in IT cloud technology ensures that your data never leaves Australian shores.

Using state-of-the-art IT systems, file encryption and remote access technology, our overseas staff work from data that remains here on our local servers.


Community Involvement

Staff at Engage1 are always excited to see how what they do in their business lives can have a positive impact on the lives of those around them and the community at large.

Hugh Hamilton and Andrew McNamara’s association with a MWRecruitment fundraiser for MND & Me is testament to that. With the likes of Sofie Formica and numerous Olympic swimming stars in attendance, the annual swimming carnival raised more than $80,000 for their chosen charity.

They look forward to future opportunities to raise much needed funds for charities close to their hearts.